Богослужбени аспекти хришћанског символизма

Предраг Петровић
Универзитет у Београду
Православни богословски факултет

Богословље: 1 (2008) 43-54
Цео текст (.PDF) УДК 27- 284

Хришћански символизам јесте богослужбени пут по коме се иконично узлази и силази на архетипове многих димензија вечног постојања откривеним у начину постојања Сина Човечијег. Различите димензије символа тумачене од светих отаца не смеју бити спорадично фаворизоване без обзира на историјски контекст постојања Цркве. Ранохришћански символизам описан у делима Дионисија Ареопагита али и других отаца Цркве не укидају било који аспект Православног начина постојања. Црква као богослужбени организам кога је основао Богочовек чува богоустановљење елементе Царства и гради их попут „насилника“ у сопствене богослужбене путеве.

Within the general structure of world existence, the God-instituted Christian symbolism is a worshiping path iconically trodden in the upward and downward direction constituting an effort to reach archetypes of many dimensions of eternal existence as revealed by the mode of existence of the Son of Man. All other perceptions of symbols, except in the above mentioned sense, represent unfortunate spiritual solutions which consciously or unconsciously cast out the true God from the world created by Him, turning the all embracing Mystery of life into sterile realities which have become part of the heritage of the western world for quite some time already. Various dimensions of symbols, as interpreted by the Holy Fathers, must not be sporadically favored regardless of the historical context of Church existence. Relying on early Christian symbolism as described in the works of Dionisius Areopagite and some other Fathers of the Church, we should not forget that different dimensions of existence do not call for an abolition of any aspect of the Orthodox mode of existence. The Church, being the worshiping organism not instituted by man but by God-man, is in care of the God-instituted elements of the Kingdom of Heaven as elements of existence. Just as some sort of an “intimidator”, she installs them into her own worshiping paths minding the words of the Lord: “without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:15).