Живот и рад проф. др Ђока Слијепчевића у Савезној Републици Немачкој 1954–1993

Немања Андријашевић
Универзитет „Лудвиг Максимилијан“
Институт за православно богословље
Минхен, Савезна Република Немачка

УДК: 93/94:929 Слијепчевић Ђ.
27-9 Слијепчевић Ђ.


Цео текст (.PDF)

Проф. др Ђоко Слијепчевић (1908–1993) провео је готово половину свог живота као политички емигрант у Савезној Републици Немачкој. Прве две деценије живео је и радио у Минхену, а потом се преселио у Келн, у коме је остао до смрти. У раду су приказани резултати истраживања његове биографи­је, са посебним освртом на спољне околности у којима је стварао. Скицирање његовог живота и рада потпомогнуто је коришћењем писама из његовог архи­ва, мало познатих заграничних дела, бројним изјавама политичких емиграната или чланова њихових породица, као и сведочанствима служитеља Српске пра­вославне цркве у отаџбини и дијаспори.

Српска православна црква у Немачкој, дијаспора, политички емигранти, економски мигранти, ли­квидације власти СФРЈ.

The life and work of Prof. Dr. Djoko Slijepčević in Federal Republic of Germany 1954–1993

Nemanja Andrijašević
University „Ludvig Maximilian“
Institute for Orthodox theology
Munich, Federal Republic of Germany

The second half of Prof. Dr. Djoko Slijepčević`s life which he spent in the Federal Republic of Germany is the subject of this article. Up to the point when he received German citizenship, he lived in this country as a political emigrant. At the same time, in Yugoslavia, he had been declared to be a „war criminal“ and a „criminal against the people“, which stigmatized him profoundly. To highlight his main characteristics, as well as how his role, contribution, and significance had been present and acknowledged among the Serbian people abroad and the priests of the Serbian Orthodox Church, extensive research has been conducted. Primarily, this meant going through his correspondence with his relatives, friends, co-work­ers and those who shared his ideas, as well as the testimonies of certain people who lived at the time — mostly priests and workers of the Serbian Patriarchate.
The paper also briefly presents the living conditions of political emigrants and economic migrants, who, even though they lived in a West European country did not go by unnoticed by the secret intelligence services of Yugoslavia. The author­ities of this country after the war had indeed been interested in the course of the political affinities of its emigrants, the ways in which the Serbian Orthodox Church functioned, as well as the events organized by the cultural-artistic societies and clubs.
In spite of his undoubted academic results — numerous published articles and books, Prof. Slijepčević considered that his achievements had not been respected enough, both by the numerous emigrant groups, as well as all those who had set as their goal to deal with the most important national and religious issues. The year 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese in Germany. This work contributes to the understanding of the position of political immigrants and their life and work in the second half of the 20th century in this West European country, by depicting the conditions of their life, as well as the achievements of historian Prof. Dr. Djoko Slijepčević.

Serbian Orthodox Church in Germany, Diaspora, political emigrants, economic migrants, political assassina­tions done by the SFRY authorities.