Светосавско наслеђе као одговор савременим изазовима у црквеном организовању

Зоран Деврња
Универзитет у Београду
Православни богословски факултет

Богословље 1 (2017) 196–208

УДК: 271.222(497.11)-735

Цео текст (.PDF)

У турбулентним временима XIII века Свети Сава је пројавио непатворену црквену свест васељенских размера која је омогућила да Црква Истока превазиђе своју дубоку организациону и егзистенцијалну кризу и да неколико деценија после његовог уснућа успостави здрав црквени организам. Делатност Светога Саве није била инспирисана политичким, већ искључиво црквеним и пастирским мотивима, а његово архиепископство и аутoкефалност Жичке архиепископије били су искључиво у служби црквеног јединства. Наслеђе Савиног пастирског и богословског наслеђа данас се јавља као добра основа супротстављању кризи ауторитета и нарастајућим идеологијама аутокефализма и концилијаризма у савременом организовању Цркве.

Свети Сава, аутокефалија, Жичка архиепископија, саборност, јединство Цркве, аутокефализам, концилијаризам.

Saint Sava was dedicated to ecclesial unity. In spite of lots of challenges, he successfully achieved duration of authentic ecclesiastical tradition. He made the balance between the One and Many in the synodal Church organization. Autocephalous Church of Zica and himself as the Archbishop was completely directed to accomplish the unity of the Eastern Church. Nowdays, it is the heritage of Saint Sava that emerges as the impediment to growing ideologies of autocephalism and conciliarism in contemporary Churh organization. Autocephalism is the specific type of religious ideology which annuls the principle of Church unity and catholicity. This kind of religious ideology is becoming more popular and spreading out among the members of peripheral ecclesial communities in which happen the renaissance of national and state identity. Autocephalism is often the source of the ecclesial and social crisеs, and the main section of separatist political agenda. Conciliarism is the other type of religious ideology which significantly affects the synodical awareness of the Church. It favors the synodical process itself without taking into account the genuine issues of the contemporary Church. Sometimes, those ideologies are opposite, but often they both together determining ecclesiastical life. The Great and pan-orthodox synod had been expected for centuries, which took place on Crete last year, had the unique opportunity and specific theological capacity to face and solve those aforementioned ecclesiastical and ideological issues. The grace of the Holy Spirit in our midst and time ahead us will tell whether the Holy Synod failed to respond to the current ecclesiastical challenges, or the answers would be expected at the end of a long synodal process which has just begun in Crete. Today, the legacy of Saint Sava and hih peculiar deeds are necessary for us to track genuine ecclesiastical tradition, contribute proper Church organization and achieve praiseworthy spiritual values.

Saint Sava, autocephaly, Archdiocese of Zica, catholicity, unity of the Church, autocephalism, conciliarism