Стодвадесетпета катедрална oмилија Севира Антиохијског
Петар Јевремовић
Универзитет у Београду
Филозофски факултет
Богословље 1 (2017) 73–84
УДК: 27-1 Севир, антиохијски патријарх
Текст је посвећен Севиру Антиохијском и његовом могућем доприносу нашем разумевању човекове личности. Дакле, персонологији, тј. антропологији. Његове идеје су сагледане у контексту епохе у којој је живео. Посебна пажња је посвећена његовој Стодвадесетпетој Катедралној омилији. У њој је Севир развио нацрт једне битно хришћанске теорије човечанске личности. Његова теорија човекове личности је нужно развојна. Постоје ваљани разлози за тврдњу да је, управо, Севир из Антиохије био први теоретичар развоја човекове личности.
Севир Антиохијски, теорија личности, историчност
This text is concerned with Severus of Antioch and his possible contributions for our understanding of the human personality. His ideas are seen in the context of his epoch. Within the framework of his Cathedral sermon no. 125 Severus of Antioch has developed a possible theological outline for one strictly Christian theory of the human personality. His theory of human personality if essentialy developemental. There are good reasons to argue that Severus of Antioch was first theortician of human’s personal developement. Main point of differentiation between human and divine person, within his discourse, is his insistance on the temporal nature of human personality. God is eternal. Man is temporal. God’s being is absolute and perfect. Man’s being is far from being perfect. Man is mortal. Temporality of the human existence implies necessity of individual developement. Developement can be seen as a progresive process of configurating the personality. Severus of Antioch is seen as a first theoretician of human’s personal developement, of the historicity of the human existence. His original insight implies that human personality is ontologically historic. Individuality comes from historicity. Peter is distinguished from Paul by the fact of their different past histories, although both sare the same generic humanity. Each person arises from his own historical situation and affects the world through his own independent operation or mode of being.
Severus of Antioch, theory of personality, historicity