Еклисиолошки аспекти сотириологије Римокатоличке Цркве: документ Placuit Deo Конгрегације за доктрину вере

Златко Р. Матић
Универзитет у Београду
Православни богословски факултет

Богословље 77/2 (2018), 54–73

УДК: 272-185.5

примљено: 4. 8. 2018.
одобрено: 6. 8. 2018.

Цео текст (.PDF)

У свом истраживању аутор представља документ Конгрегације за доктрину вере Католичке Цркве, Placuit Deo, који говори о неким аспектима римокaтоличке сотириологије. Аутор најпре указује на директну теолошку повезаност тог писма са изјавом Dominus Iesus (из 2000. године), затим приступа богословској анализи еклисиолошких момената новог документа, а на крају изводи неке закључке о важности овог писма са тачке гледишта упоредног богословља. Након тога, у виду додатка, доноси превод овог писма магистеријума Католичке Цркве са италијанског на српски језик.

Placuit Deo, еклисиологија, сотириологија, упоредно богословље, индивидуализам, кинонија

Ecclesiological aspects of the soteriology of the Roman Catholic Church: Document Placuit Deo of the Congregation for the doctrine of the faith

Zlatko R. Matić
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Orthodox Theology

In his research, the author presents the document of the Catholic Congregation for the doctrine of the faith, Placuit Deo, which speaks of some aspects of Roman Catholic soteriology. The letter of the PD represents an attempt to actualize the basic moments of Roman Catholic soteriology in the modern world, which is in the processes of cultural transformations and hardly understands and accepts even the basic setting of the teachings of the Catholic Church on salvation, such as the statement of Christ as the only Savior of creation. The author first points to the direct theological connection of that letter with the statement of Dominus Iesus (from 2000), then approaches a theological analysis of the ecclesiological moments of the new document, and in the end makes some conclusions about the importance of this letter from the point of view of comparative theology. The fact that there are texts such as the latest CDF document, inspires the hope that the Roman Catholic thought will persistently focus on the ontology of the koinonia, thereby, together with the Orthodox theology, more direct and consistently will refer to its source, the patristic triadology of the Church, as the source of every theological statement, especially soteriology and ecclesiology. After the research, in the form of an addendum, the author brings a translation from Italian to Serbian of this letter from the magisterium of the Catholic Church.

Placuit Deo, ecclesiology, soteriology, comparative theology, individualism, koinonia.