Објављивање чланака проф. др Ђока Слијепчевића у Јужноафричкој Републици

Немања Андријашевић
Универзитет „Лудвиг Максимилијан“
Институт за православно богословље
Минхен, Савезна Република Немачка

Богословље 77/2 (2018), 110–125

УДК: 93/94:929 Слијепчевић Ђ.
050српска слога(680)“1969/1977″
014.3српска слога(680)“1969/1977″

примљено: 19. 11. 2017.
одобрено: 1. 12. 2017.

Цео текст (.PDF)

Проф. др Ђоко Слијепчевић (1908–1993) био је плодан историчар. Током живота и рада у емиграцији, објавио је велики број чланака у разним заграничним листовима и часописима. У раду су приказани резултати истраживања радова проф. Слијепчевића објављених у часопису Српска слога из Јоханезбурга. Аутор осветљава разлоге слања чланака проф. Слијепчевића у Јужноафричку Републику и пружа попис и кратак садржај тих радова.

Наша борба, Српска слога, псеудоним „Раде Облаковић“, Стеван Нићифоровић, емиграција.

Publishing of Prof. Dr. Djoko Slijepcevic`s articles in South African Republic

Nemanja Andrijašević
University „Ludvig Maximilian“
Institute for Orthodox theology
Munich, Federal Republic of Germany

The life and work of Prof. Dr. Djoko Slijepčević in emigration are mostly unknown and unexplored. During his work in the exile, Slijepčević had published a great number of articles in various emigrant papers and magazines. This article brings forward the results of the research of his articles published in the South African Republic. The author has explored Serbian emigrant periodicals in South Africa from the second half of the 20th century. Light has been shed on the reasons for sending Prof. Slijepčević`s articles to the magazine „Srpska sloga“ („Serbian unity“) that had been issued from 1969 to 1977. A list of Prof. Slijepčević`s articles that had been published in this magazine from 1969 to 1976 has also been presented. The enlisted articles are accompanied by short descriptions, according to the conventions of the reference bibliography. All of them were up to this point completely unknown in the academic realm. Methodological frame encompassed gathering the articles in Johannesburg, in Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos and in rare libraries in Serbia that had a few editions of emigrant periodicals from South Africa. After that came verification of the authenticity of Gojko Protić`s letters which mention the pseudonyms used by Prof. Slijepčević while he was writing for „Naša borba“ („Our fight“), only a few months after he had emigrated from Yugoslavia. A comparison was then made between Slijepčević`s articles published in „Iskra“ („The Spark“) from Munich — magazine that published most of his works — with the articles published in magazine „Srpska sloga“ from Johannesburg. A large number of similarities was found, especially in style, punctuation and orthography, as well as the themes that occupied Slijepčević`s attention in that same period while he was writing for both magazines.
All the articles with unambiguously established authorship were noted. Slijepčević published 10 articles in the magazine „Srpska sloga“. He used the pseudonym „Rade Oblaković“ in 8 of his articles. He then published 2 articles using his real name and surname. The article about Milan Nedić`s last months in emigration before having been arrested and extradited to authorities in the FPRY is important, since it contains the original testimony to the event that thus far had not been available to researchers in its authentic form.
There is a noticable criticism in Slijepčević`s articles of the misapprehension among many political emigrants and patriotic elements outside the borders of the Fatherland of their role. A large number of them thought that the most important thing is to throw off the communist authorities in the SFRY, but they were not ready for the following moves, nor did they have an idea of what and how after the fall of communism.
This article is a contribution to the understanding of the work of Serbian people that lived outside the borders of their country. Through the work of Prof. Dr. Djoko Slijepčević, who had published a great number of books, articles, papers and essays, it is possible to better understand the situation and circumstances of emigrant life. By observing the themes that occupied the emigrants, one notices an inharmonious atmosphere and complicated relations between the numerous emigrant groups and movements. The relationship between Slijepčević and Nićiforović, i.e. between the author and the editor in chief of the magazine „Srpska sloga“ had not been burdened with different ideological orientations. They cooperated by overcoming different approaches towards solving certain problems and urgent issues, in emigration as well as in their Fatherland.
Slijepčević`s writing in „Srpska sloga“ was ideological, even though he purposefully neglected to mention his affiliation with the YNM „Zbor“. His criticism aimed towards the authorities and polity of the SFRY. In addition to that, he emphatically called for all the Serbs and anticommunists to organize with the common goal of fighting against the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPY) and Josip Broz Tito. In his works, he talked about the forbidden subject in SFRY – the Serbian question. In his numerous articles he explained the context of conscious avoidance of even mentioning, let alone solving the Serbian national question inside the SFRY. In that communist creation this subject had been omitted. This article shows what Slijepčević saw as the root of that problem — anational designation of the CPY, as well as the possible solution to it — nationalism based upon spiritual and moral categories and spiritual renewal in the tradition of St. Sava.

Naša borba, Srpska sloga, pseudonym „Rade Oblaković“, Stevan Nićiforović, emigration.