Русское академическое богословие до 1917 г.: проблемы и лица

Сухова Наталия
Православный Свято-Тихоновский
гуманитарный университет,
Богословский факультет

УДК: 27-271.2

Богословље 1 (2016) 243–266

Цео текст (.PDF)

The article is devoted to the «golden age» of Russian theology — XIX — early

XX century. The author identifies 12 scholars — representatives of biblical studies, dogmatic theology, patristic, liturgical, church history, religious philosophy, — in the works that most clearly manifested the characteristic features and problems of Russian theology of the era. As a result of research the author comes to the conclusion that, despite the many times the reforms and new ideas, we can talk about the integrity of the Russian scientific and theological tradition organically distance traveled. Moreover, it is possible to identify the indissoluble succession of Russian «school» theology with the theology of the early centuries of Christianity in Russia and in Orthodox theology as a whole.

Russian Ecclesiastical Academy, theological science, Bible studies, dogmatic theology, patristic, church history, liturgy, religious philosophy