Врлина целомудрености у хришћанском предању: пример старозаветног патријарха Јосифа и његови етичко-дидактички аспекти

Обрад Карановић
Аристотелов универзитет у Солуну
Богословски факултет

DOI: https://doi.org/10.18485/bogoslovlje.2024.83.1.5
УДК: 27-242.5-277

стр. 87.–104.

Цео текст (.PDF)

У светоотачкој мисли одређени библијски ликови су постали мо
рални узори и примери хришћанског владања за подражавање. Тако је ста
розаветни патријарх Јосиф − који је због свог врлинског живота назван још и
Прекрасни − постао парадигма целомудрености у хору старозаветних морал
них узора. Аутор има за циљ да укаже на хришћанско поимање и смисао вр
лине целомудрености на примеру Јосифовог искушења са женом Египћанком
(Пост 39, 6−20) и да у том светлу истакне његове етичко-дидактичке аспекте.

Прекрасни Јосиф, Пост 37, 6−20, целомудреност, морални узор.

The virtue of chastity in the Christian tradition: the example of the
Old Testament patriarch Joseph and its ethical and didactic aspects

Obrad Karanović
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Faculty of Theology

The patristic tradition recognizes in the life and character of the Old
Testament patriarch Joseph, the son of Jacob, not only a typological dimension that
astonishes with its richness and uniqueness but also acknowledges him as a virtu
ous man. He can serve as a moral example and inspiration to all those who desire
to live in accordance with God’s will. The virtue most emphasized and praised by
the Church Fathers in his life is chastity. Thus, the Old Testament patriarch Joseph,
who is also called the All-Comely Joseph due to his virtuous life, has become a par
adigm of chastity among the Old Testament moral exemplars. Chastity consists of
preserving one’s mind and spirit unblemished by sin, uncontaminated by passions.
Therefore, chastity is a virtue acquired through the struggle against passions, par
ticularly manifested in the proper management of spiritual movements, the attitude
towards pleasures, and the right living of the gift of sexuality. His example can be
very inspiring and instructive for young people in understanding the importance
of spiritual and moral integrity in the life of every person from an early age.

Patriarch Joseph the All-Comely, Gen 37, 6−20, chastety, moral paradigm.