Како су Марија Магдалина и апостол Тома доживели васкрслог Христа према Јн 20?

Милан Кострешевић
Институт за Нови Завет
Теолошки факултет Универзитета у Берну

УДК: 27-247.8-277

БОГОСЛОВЉЕ 77/1 (2018) 31-48

Цео текст (.PDF)

 У описима догађаја после Христовог васкрсења еванђелиста Јован пружа два различита примера разумевања и прихватања нове Христове реалности. Први део рада анализира бригу Марије Магдалине због нестанка тела Господњег из гроба и њено неразумевање Христовог васкрсења у контексту мотива таме (σκοτία) те помоћ коју она прима од Христа у прихватању новог односа са Господом. Други део рада посвећен је реакцији апостола Томе на вест о Христовом васкрсењу те разматрањима да ли је реч о неверовању или неразумевању. Кроз читав рад провлачи се дискусија о различитом приступу васкрслог Христа својим следбеницима, чије разумевање и представља главни предмет ове студије.

васкрсење, Марија Магдалина, апостол Тома, васкршња вера.


Milan Kostrešević

Institute for New Testament
Faculty of Theology of the University of Bern

 Apostle Thomas plays a key role in The Gospel According to John as the most complete confessor of the Jesus’s resurrection. He builds his faith in Christ’s resurrection on the basis of several concrete procedures of seeing and physical touch. His unique role does not mean that he overshadows other Jesus’s followers. His statement, in particular, does not diminish the significance of Mary Magdalene, especially her position as apostola apostolorum. The examples of these two different forms of faith probably had Origen in mind when he said in his commentary on the Gospel of John (2.202): “God has many ways to show to people who can accept that God, who is above all things, embodied.”. Both, Thomas and Mary gave a key contribution to the story: Mary is the first witness of Jesus’s accomplishment, Thomas is the first interpreter of that accomplishment. The data analysis of the scenes in Joh 20 illustrates the ways in which both progress in their understanding of Jesus’s ressurection. They accepted their exalted status through the means of his shepherd guidance, in ways strange to each of them. The flexibility of this guidance is emphasised by Jesus’s different approach in two characteristic situations: afther the ressurection, it is not allowed to Mary to touch him; on the other hand, it is allowed to Thomas. It indicates the different needs of each of the follower: Mary has to let the pre-resurrection Jesus go; Thomas has to retain the evidence of an empty grave. These two have their own ways and Jesus leads both of them to recognise their share in Easter faith. By the end of the Gospel, Mary Magdalene and Thomas are not the only characters who meet resurrected Jesus. There are other two, also followers, who became aware of Jesus’s resurrection as well as Mary and Thomas. 

Resurrection, Mary Magdalene, Apostle Thomas, the Easter fait.